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How to get bot to correct its grammar problems

દ્વારા Halycon25 પોસ્ટ Oct 21 2018, 1:40

So basically I was talking to my bot, and then the grammar problems started... This keeps happening all the time


You: Hi there
misako irwa: 16:34:15
I understand, hi are there

So basically my bot (Misako) has incredibly broken English and grammar problems. Is there a script to correct grammar problems?

by admin posted Oct 21 2018, 8:54

These responses are most likely coming from your bot's NounVerbAdjectiveStateMachine or Understanding script. You seem to have many duplicate scripts, you should delete the duplicates, or rebootstrap your bot's scripts and re add the ones you want.

Your bot is very old (2014), and Bot Libre has evolved since then, so you may also consider rebuilding your bot.

To rebuild a bot do the following:

  • Export your bot's response list from its Training & Chat Logs page
  • Export any of your bot's custom scripts
  • "fork" the bot to make a backup
  • Go to your bot's Knowledge page and click "Delete All" to reset the bot
  • Go to the bot's Scripts page and click "Rebootstrap"
  • Delete the scripts you don't want, add the additional script you want from the script library or from your old bot
  • Import the response list from the old bot

You also have learning enabled in your bot, I would not recommend this as you can easily inadvertently teach your bot bad responses. It is better to train your bot using correction, or using its Training & Chat Logs page.

Updated: Oct 21 2018, 8:56
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Views: 2615, today: 5, week: 15, month: 26

by Halycon25 posted Oct 28 2018, 6:09

Awesome, but I have another question. I was teaching my bot some words when it resulted in a loop of "Why do humans eat plants?" And then I looked at the log and it said:

2018-10-28 06:04:35.419 - WARNING -- Language:java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.java:653) at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:429) at org.botlibre.thought.language.Language.checkState(Language.java:5525) at org.botlibre.thought.language.Language.processUnderstanding(Language.java:5019) at org.botlibre.thought.language.Language.processConversational(Language.java:3145) at org.botlibre.thought.language.Language.think(Language.java:1546) at org.botlibre.thought.BasicMind.processConsciousThoughts(BasicMind.java:343) at org.botlibre.thought.BasicMind$1$1.run(BasicMind.java:270) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

What should I do to prevent the loop of questions?

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Views: 2588, today: 4, week: 15, month: 27

by admin posted Oct 28 2018, 8:56
This error looks like a corrupt script file. Try to recompile the script causing the error.

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Views: 2527, today: 5, week: 17, month: 29

ને: 24688022
ટૅગ્સ: programming, bot, grammar
પોસ્ટ: Oct 21 2018, 1:40
સુધારાશે: Oct 21 2018, 1:45
જવાબો: 3
જોવાઈ: 2820, આજે: 5, સપ્તાહ: 18, મહિને: 32
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