The first decentralized, artificially intelligent, MEAN.js stack, operating system. meanOs is the only operating system hosted anonymous using a P2P network and a suite of non-standard in-browser delivery mechanisms.
Channel Type: ChatRoom
Users currently online: 0
Admins currently online: 0
ઉપનામ: @meanaichatroom
શ્રેણીઓ: Misc, Language, Web, Help, Fun, Friends, Local, Entertainment, Apps, My Assistant
ટૅગ્સ: twitter, robot, artificial intelligence, intelligent, female, facebook, myjulie, mycindy
સામગ્રી રેટિંગ: Teen
The smallest and the most powerful operating system.
Chrome Web Store Firefox Add-ons Microsoft Edge Add-on Gitter TravisCI
The first decentralized, artificially intelligent, MEAN.js stack, operating system. meanOs is the only operating system hosted anonymous using a P2P network and a suite of non-standard in-browser delivery mechanisms.
meanOs is specifically designed to support both Brave and Tor but is compatible with all other major browsers. meanOs is Proud to be a BRAVE and TOR supporter, be free!!
લાયસન્સ: Copyright donpablo, all rights reserved
બનાવનાર: Nov 7 2020
સર્જક: donpablo :
ઍક્સેસ: Everyone
ને: 35888856
જડિત લિંક:
Messages: 1282
જોડાય છે: 98, આજે: 0, સપ્તાહ: 0, મહિને: 0
API જોડાય છે: 0, આજે: 0, સપ્તાહ: 0, મહિને: 0
છેલ્લા કનેક્ટ: Apr 18 2024, 9:14