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2 results.
What is Deep Learning?
દ્વારા admin પોસ્ટ Apr 27 2018, 14:41
Deep learning is a specific type of machine learning algorithm that uses multi-level neural networks.

A neural network is an algorithm that simulates the structure of the brain by having nodes (neurons) and relationships (dendrites). A neural network solves a problem by converting the problem into a set of input nodes, a set of output nodes, and a set of intermediate or "hidden" nodes. Deep learning is just a neural network with multiple intermediate layers of nodes.
ટૅગ્સ: ai, definition, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning
સુધારાશે: Apr 27 2018, 14:41
જવાબો: 0, જોવાઈ: 4532, આજે: 4, સપ્તાહ: 19, મહિને: 32
અપ અંગૂઠા: 3, અંગૂઠા નીચે: 0, તારા: 5.0
What is Deep Learning?
દ્વારા admin પોસ્ટ Apr 27 2018, 14:41
જવાબો: 0 | જોવાઈ: 4532
What is Machine Learning
દ્વારા admin પોસ્ટ Apr 27 2018, 14:26
જવાબો: 3 | જોવાઈ: 5024