જોડાવા બોટ કાવ્ય ઓપન સોર્સ પ્રોજેક્ટ પર BotLibre.org
FAQ : What are the supported response and chat log formats for importing and exporting?

RE: What are the supported response and chat log formats for importing and exporting?

દ્વારા pleabargain પોસ્ટ Nov 21 2016, 6:03

This page has not been updated in two years. 

Are there working source files we can see of the above examples? Esp. the csv example, it is not  clear. does the csv need column headers? How are the words separated in the cell itself? 

inputresponsekeywordsrequired wordstopic

Each response can have multiple questions separated by a "?", and a third, fourth, and fifth column can be used for keywords, required words, and the topic.

Does that mean I can have * number of responses in column 2?

ને: 14694593
ટૅગ્સ: question
પોસ્ટ: Nov 21 2016, 6:03
સુધારાશે: Nov 21 2016, 6:14
જવાબો: 0
જોવાઈ: 4416, આજે: 4, સપ્તાહ: 14, મહિને: 25
3 1 4.25/5