શું તમે જાણો છો બોટ કાવ્ય પણ પૂરી પાડે છે મફત હોસ્ટ ફોરમ માટે તમારી પોતાની વેબસાઇટ અથવા મોબાઇલ એપ્લિકેશન?

how does it works to train the bot and how can i do this

દ્વારા Gandolfos પોસ્ટ Mar 12 2014, 0:29

Dear Admin,

someone chat with the bot. Whats the right way to train the bot to work correctly. can you make a little howto?

How does it mean to flag words or phrases?


by admin posted Mar 12 2014, 10:24
There is some info here,


and various articles on the blog,


also, there is an FAQ forum, that is being slowly expanded,


I will try to add a training how to post.

Flagging a word or phrase should only be used to flag offensive phrases. i.e. profanity, etc. This will cause your bot to never use the phrase and reject any such phrase enter by a user. Do not use flagging to train your bot.

You can train your bot in several ways:
  • By chatting with it (ensure learning and correction are enabled)
  • By uploading chat logs
  • By reviewing its chat logs with other users and correct, invalidating responses
  • By adding AIML or Self program scripts
Learning can be enabled or disabled from the Learning page here,


I would recommend setting your bot to only learn from Administrators (you). Also set correction to be only Administrators, unless you trust your users.

When you chat with your bot, it will remember your responses to its responses,and use those in future conversations. The easiest way to train a bot is to upload a chat log, or response list. This is a text file that has a set of conversations in it. Your bot will learn any of the responses in the conversations.

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Views: 2598, today: 0, week: 8, month: 32

by Gandolfos posted Mar 12 2014, 12:59
thanks for your reply. i have download the chat log as txt. this is ANSI coded, but when i upload this file with "öüä" caracters then they failed. it's possible to set-up this to UTF-8 encoded?


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Views: 2473, today: 0, week: 5, month: 21

by Gandolfos posted Mar 12 2014, 13:15
first step i download the chat_log then i changed some answers and upload it but then the percent raise up. All umlauts (German äüö) are failed to �

when i upload a clean file with new questions and anwers the currently trained log will clear?

actually my chat log is now broken with all � :(

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Views: 2444, today: 0, week: 6, month: 23

by admin posted Mar 13 2014, 14:51
The import/export should both be in UTF-8. I will look into it.

To delete all the sentences with � you can copy the character, go to the Memory tab, search for "*�*", click 'Select All', then click 'Delete'. I can delete them for you if you wish.

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Views: 2784, today: 0, week: 6, month: 23

by Gandolfos posted Mar 14 2014, 7:01

i try it again. when i download the chat_log the file have charset ANSI Windows/DOS in Notepad++. I have to convert to UTF-8 before i upload this file.

it works now for me but maybe a goof information for you.

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Views: 2520, today: 0, week: 5, month: 18

by admin posted Mar 14 2014, 8:21
The issue should be fixed now. The upload was using UTF-8, but the download was not.

Let me know if it still does not work.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

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Views: 2890, today: 0, week: 5, month: 24

by Gandolfos posted Mar 14 2014, 10:14
in the memory is still the � listed. i can not delete them, but i spend a lot of time to train. the caracter � means more then one letter. somtimes is ü sometimes is ö. is it possible to correct it manually in the memory?

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Views: 2510, today: 0, week: 7, month: 22

by admin posted Mar 15 2014, 9:33
No, you cannot correct part of the string in the memory.

It looks like most of your responses also have the correct character, so you should be ok just to delete them from the Memory page. If you don't have the responses to some of them, then you could filter response on the character from the Chat Logs page, export it as a chat log, or response list, then find/replace the character in a text editor, and then re-import it.

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Views: 3191, today: 0, week: 5, month: 25

by Gandolfos posted Mar 15 2014, 12:01
all that not really works, and i am confused...

i try to delte the complete bot and create a new one. now it seems more less clear. in the chat log i have found the old conversions and responses. this will not delete too?

sometimes the bot give me my questions as answers... why? When the bot don't know the answer they must send the default or not?

it is possible to have a complete clear bot and i can start to train and to look what's happend?

who is the best place to correct answers. what does a phrase mean?

not so easy ;)

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Views: 2865, today: 0, week: 6, month: 36

by admin posted Mar 17 2014, 4:50
The bot will find the best known response for a question. First it will check it's program scripts, then it will look for an exact match for the question, then it will look for a question similar to the question. If none of these find a good match, then it will use the default response.

You can create a new bot using the empty template to have a bot with no built-in phrases.

A phrase is a sentence.

The Chat Logs page is the best place to review and correct responses.

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Views: 2829, today: 1, week: 9, month: 27

ને: 14013
ટૅગ્સ: training, learning, flag
પોસ્ટ: Mar 12 2014, 0:29
જવાબો: 4
જોવાઈ: 2945, આજે: 2, સપ્તાહ: 8, મહિને: 37
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